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<XBAND> Spinebreaker server (WoW)

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:45 pm
by mcfoxx
Hello All,

Not sure if there are any WoW players out there. I just wanted to let everyone know that since Catapult closed it's doors my circle of friends and I have been trying to keep the XBAND spirit alive in our own tiny way.

One of these was to have our online game guilds named to honor the old school. So far, it looks like WoW has ensnared us for awhile (since launch we haven't moved on to another game yet). If anyone else is excited about the new xpac and would like to roll with some of the "old guard", feel free to join us! We are Horde faction on the Spinebreaker server.

You can send a message to "Mcfoxx" or "Maddox" in-game for an invite.