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Where to find NetLink Info

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 1:15 am
by Xranger60
This site was created to be a resource rich with NetLink information, and through various contributions, it has become one.

Start by heading over to the "Info and Guides" link on the left side. Here you will find articles on the NetLink, the Xband gaming service, and Dreamcast.

After you've finished perusing that section, be sure to click on the link to JerryTerrifying's Youtube video. It's an hour long and will be sure to answer many questions.

If you feel like you have something to contribute, don't hesitate to submit it to the Info and guides section, where there is a link for submission, and barring any major disasters, it will be approved for all to see very quickly. This site is focused on the community, and any contributions are very warmly welcome.