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Sega Mega Modem

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:41 am
by rush6432
SO Im not too sure if anyone has ever heard of this thing but its a modem for the sega genesis (a slow one at 1600-2400 BAUD) but it supported games such as:

*Advanced Daisenryaku - strategy war game
*ShinKinJo - puzzle game
*Cyberball - football game with robots (intresting...)
*TEL-TEL Stadium - baseball game
*TEL-TEL Mahjong - mahjong
*Nikkan sports pro - another baseball game....

The unit plugged into an older sega genesis model one on the back in the EXT port....

plugs into port 1

the unit looks like this


Just ordered 2 modems on ebay, im going to tinker and let you guys know what i find...
with the speeds being slow it might just work over magic jack....

we might have some modem playable games for the genesis afterall, and maybe online....

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:15 am
by Isaac [GER]
That would be awesome!
By the way, do these modems contain a region lock?

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:20 pm
by Warp2063
The modems probably don't contain a lock. Don't know about the games, though.

I was aware of the modem, but decided it wasn't with my time. I don't have a model 1 Genesis or Mega Drive, anyway.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:14 pm
by rush6432
No region lock on the modem hardware..... the region lock is in the sega model 1 system itself.

The one USA game that supports modem (hidden option) is cyberball.

cyberball is in english completely, the hidden modem menu is in japanese, but i'm sure we can easily decypher it and figure it out.

The other games however are all in japanese sadly and are almost impossible to obtain in cartridge format.

however... you can still run these games if you find the roms online. Look up the everdrive flash cart for sega genesis. Everdrive is a flash cartridge basically that allows you to boot roms from an sd card on your sega.

Im working on the rest here an hope to have a write up soon

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:02 pm
by dbdrummer88
I have this exact same modem still brand new in box that i ordered from japan. Never bothered to open it yet, if it can somehow be capable of going online i would probably have to bust it open haha

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:26 pm
by rush6432
ill let ya know when i get mine in and i start playing with them. Like i said i should have a web page with a write up on how to play sega genesis modem games soon :)

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 11:20 am
by rush6432
After slowly decyphering a few menus on some of the games im realizing that most of the information about these games or information that people have posted about the sega mega modem is incorrect.....

most people thought the service was played ONLINE (like dialing into a server to find an opponent) when really all the games did was dial the other modem directly.....I have not seen one game SO FAR that asks me to dial a central server to get online to find a player.....

so far ive ROUGHLY translated the modem menus for 2 games. the other menus are going to be a little pain in the ass as i cannot translate them in emulators when they immediatly start looking for the modem hardware and kick me back to the main menu when it does not find the modem.

so far, it looks like a few of them ask the EXACT same questions. so translating was easy on some menus.

It also looks like there was atleast 9 modems games..... :) 2 Of which are nearly impossible to find in cartridge format and have not been dumped that i know of or have found.